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All posts by Mirela Bilić

Guide to the Permanent Exhibition

A guide to the permanent exhibition of the Betina Wooden Shipbuilding Museum has been published! The 148-page guide, enriched with photographs, provides a historical overview of the Betina shipbuilding industry from the eighteenth century to the present time, with a vivid insight into the process of designing the permanent exhibition, and conveys the most important…

Betina Week of Folklore

During Betina Week of Folkore two wonderful evenings were held in front of our musuem. First, we opened the Exhibition of Scarfs from the collection of our Melita & Ajka, members of Zora Cultural Association. We talked with the authors of the exhibition and learned more about the motifs on the scarves, what type of scarf…

European Heritage Award / Europa Nostra Award 2019 for Betina Museum of Wooden Shipbuilding

The winners of the European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards 2019, Europe’s most prestigious honour in the field, funded by the Creative Europe Programme, were announced today by the European Commission and Europa Nostra, the leading European heritage network. We’re proud to announce that, among this year’s winners in the category Education, Training and Awareness-raising, the Award…


Boatbuilding is preceded by a discussion between a boat owner and a boatbuilder. Boat owner has to decide on a type and purpose of his desired boat, maritime area in which the boat will be used, its dimensions, drive and specify all the details the boat will be fitted with. Taking into account all the…

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